Friday 4 December 2009

Losing stubborn stomach fat, tips and idea to help you lose weight.

Slowly but surely, without warning it happens, but it only really hurts when someone says something about it, even though they might have had the best intentions.

You have gained weight around your stomach area. Suddenly you're carrying around this huge stomach; it's certainly no pillow under there.

One of the main reasons people take out a gym membership to start losing weight is stomach fat. To get rid of the extra weight we've put on around the stomach is not that easy to do.

Perhaps someone will invent a pill for stomach fat that makes it disappear overnight...stop daydreaming, it's not going to happen

Almost everybody starts targeting the stomach area with crunches, sit-ups, leg pull ups or anything else that can help the ab area.

It may make sense to do 50 sit-ups or crunches, but the fat is still there, that's because we have been toning the muscles, but have neglected to take care of the layer of fat over the abs.

1. You have to change your eating routine

Changing your routine makes sense. The stomach fat certainly didn't appear over night, so it's going to take a while to lose it. So don't grab starch, reach out for fruit and vegetables, because this is about eating a healthier diet.

Don't go for canned fruit and veggies, they may have hidden calories, rather opt for fresh fruit and veggies, they taste better and are good for you.

Stop eating snacks and other junk food, they are all empty calories in food that has been processed with a lot of chemicals added. These additives, when processed turn into fat cells that you carry around.

Best would be to each chicken and fish which are lean meats. If you really love your beef, buy the leanest beef you can get.

Animal fats slow down your whole system, because things get clogged. In other words, they will cause your body to slow down the fat elimination process.

By doing this you now reduce your intake of food that caused the stomach fat, and therefore it helps you to lose it.

2. Cardio Exercise

Doing cardio will burn off the fat fast as they rev up your body's metabolism so you can lose weight faster.

By doing only 20 minutes or more daily, your body will start to lose more weight.

3. Eat More Often

Yes, eating more than 3 meals per day will help you lose weight. The real trick to this is eating less at each meal.If you eat more than 3 meals a day it will assist you to lose weight, the key is to eat less at each meal.

When your body is processing it is working at it's peak at getting rid of fat, so when you eat meals more often, but eat less, your body will burn more calories, because it's constantly working.

4. Abdominals, sit-ups and crunches

When you start cutting out empty calories that add to your waistline, do cardio exercises and eat smaller meals at regular intervals, that's when you're ready to start doing sit-ups and crunches to zone in on your stomach area, because only then everything will work in harmony.

To be able to lose stomach fast you have to implement a combination of everything above, cutting out one of these will also slow down the losing of inches around your waist.

You can do it because so many other people have done this successfully before. All the best.

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